The Company is being managed by the Board of Directors consisting of not less than 2 (minimum) and not exceeding 8 (maximum) members at any time. The Chairman, who is also the member of the Board, is appointed by the Government from time to time specifically and in the absence of such an appointment the Commissioner of Civil Supplies is the Chairman of the Company. The Government appointed non-official Chairman and 3 others as non-official Directors on the Board, vide GO Ms.No.17, Consumer Affairs, Food & Civil Supplies (CS I) Department, dt.26.01.2005. The tenure of the Chairman and Directors is for a period of two years. The tenure of present Chairman & non-official Directors was over on 25.01.2007. Apart from the Vice Chairman & Managing Director, the Director of Civil Supplies and the nominee from Finance Dept. are the other Official Directors. The Chief Executive of the Corporation i.e., the Vice Chairman & Managing Director, who is an appointee of the Government of Andhra Pradesh, manages the day-to-day activities of the Organization subject to the control and directions of the Board. Articles-of-Association is regulating charter for the Corporation under which the Board of Directors issue directions from time to time. The Corporation implements the PDS at the field level and has been undertaking market intervention as a measure for controlling prices and also MSP operations as per the orders issued by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
Normally the Board constitutes Officials and Non-Officials as appointed by the Government. Presently the Board consists of the following officials:
1. Non-Official appointed by Government : Chairman
2. Vice Chairman & Managing Director : Director
3. Director of Civil Supplies : Director
4. Joint Secretary to Govt. (Finance Dept.) : Director
and other four (4) Non-Officials appointed by Government as Directors.
The Vice Chairman & Managing Director is the Chief Executive of the Corporation. At the Corporate Office, 2 Functional Managers, an Executive Engineer and 6 Managers assist him/her. The Corporation has District Offices in all the 13 Districts in the State. The District Managers maintain a close liaison with the District Administration with regard to distribution of Essential Commodities like rice, wheat, palmolein oil and levy sugar. They are under the administrative control of the Joint Collectors who are nominated as Ex-Officio Executive Directors of the Corporation.
Apart from Functional Heads at the Head Office and the District Managers at District level, there are five Zonal Managers who are responsible for internal audit and close supervision of the activities in the Districts under their zone. The District Managers are assisted by one Assistant Manager (Accounts) in charge of the office accounts, one Assistant Manager (General) and one Assistant Manager (Technical) each, who look after office administration, warehousing and movement etc.
The Zonal Managers are also assisted by three Assistant Managers, i.e. Assistant Manager (Accounts), Assistant Manager (General), Assistant Manager (Technical) and they are assigned certain districts in each region.
Against total sanctioned strength of 1572, Corporation is now having 1048 employees on its rolls as on 19-12-2012.
The Corporation has hosted integrated website www.apscsc.gov.in. It has all the information about the Corporation. This site is maintained by Computer section of Corporation itself.
The Corporation has taken up recruitment of personnel for 274 posts. Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), OU campus, Hyderabad has been entrusted with the task of recruitment on behalf of the Corporation. Accordingly, 231 personnel have been recruited during the year 2011.
As proposed by the Board in its 173td meeting held on 27.12.2011, the Corporation requested Government to permit the Corporation to fill up another 100 vacancies by direct recruitment. Subsequently, proposals were sent to Govt. for filing up of 246 vacancies instead of 100 by direct recruitment. Orders from Govt. are awaited.
Apart from the above,Notification have been issued for filling up of 84 backlog vacancies of SC/ST in different cadres under special drive.
In view of entrustment of Decentralized procurement operations to the Corporation vide GO.Ms.No.37, F & CS(CS.I) Dept., dt.13.09.2012, Corporation is taking up restructuring of manpower basing on the requirement in view of increased volume of work.
Proposals for creation of a separate Procurement wing headed by a General Manager have also been submitted to Govt. and orders from Govt. are awaited.
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