Hon'ble High Court of AP issued certain orders in W.P.No.42898 of 2017 - In pursuance of the said orders-Revised Roaster Panels of all cadres in the APSCSCL for the years from 2005 to 2014 before AP Re-Organization Act, 2014 -Circulating the same - Objections called for - Reg.

S.No Cadre
2 Sr.Officer GR-II
3 Assistant Manager(Gen)
4 Assistant Manager(Accts)
5 Assistant Manager(Tech.)
6 Asst.Gr.I
7 Acct.Gr.I
8 TA.Gr.I
9 Asst.Gr.II
10 Acct.Gr.II
11 TA.Gr.II